Don't let slow support hold you back

Why settle for sluggish?

July 25, 2024

Time is money, but it’s also far more than that — it's your most valuable asset. Let’s say you’re a website owner. You get roughly 1 million page views daily and receive an average RPM of $2.20. Suddenly, there’s an issue with your ads! You reach out for help, but because of your ad partner’s slow support, your ads are down for 24 hours. Just like that, you’ve lost $2200. 😱 The longer you wait, the more you lose — unacceptable! Every moment you spend waiting for support or guidance from your current ad partner is a moment your business could be moving forward.

At Venatus, we pride ourselves on our rapid and tailored support for all our publisher partners, delivered in under one hour on average. How do we do it? Without giving away all our secrets, it’s mostly down to having an international team of experienced pros who always put publishers first! 

Why settle for slow?

Imagine the scenarios where every hour of delay translates to lost opportunities for optimization and engagement. The digital landscape waits for no one, and the longer it takes to receive that crucial piece of advice or technical assistance, the more your success is being bottlenecked. This raises an important question: Is your current ad partner holding you back? It's a situation far too many publishers find themselves in — watching the clock as hours turn into days, waiting for a response that should have been a quick fix. 

In these moments, precious time and money that could have been invested in refining your content and maximizing your site's performance slips through your fingers. But what if it didn't have to be this way?

The impact on direct campaigns

Direct Sales are the holy grail for publishers. Higher CPMs, the halo effect of working with premium brands, what’s not to love?

Imagine: The team over at Sony are interested in advertising their latest innovative product on your website. They’re offering CPMs that make programmatic look like pennies. You’re finally up and running, it all looks great, then… BANG! Your ads go offline. You’re not sure if you messed up, your ad partner messed up, or something else entirely — but it needs fixing ASAP. You reach out to your current ad partner hoping for a quick reply, but one hour of waiting turns into 12. Then 24. It’s looking like Sony might take their ads elsewhere next time.

Incidents like this can make your site far less appealing to advertisers, which directly impacts your revenue potential. Fast and effective support means everything runs as smoothly as possible. The result? You and your advertisers remain happy, often leading to long-term direct campaign partnerships where they keep coming back for more. Happy days!

The Venatus difference

Don't just take our word for it. Our partners' experiences speak volumes, with glowing testimonials that consistently highlight our support team and the difference that swift, personalized service can make: