We're Reclaiming Christmas!

Written by
May 2024

Across the world, parents and advertisers alike are in the midst of fighting the forces of Christmas fatigue. Common symptoms include being pressurized into spreading joy and festive cheer, meeting the needs of demanding children/friends/clients, grinning manically through parties knowing that you should be wrapping something RIGHT NOW, and fear of relatives both extended and close.

To celebrate our recent Bad Moms Christmas campaign, and the spirit of reclaiming the holidays, the Venatus team have put together our naughty and nice list, for how we hope this year will go.

Naughty list

Brussel sprouts

Getting up for Midnight Mass

Getting up for presents

Getting up

Present wrapping

Distant relatives, especially the opinionated ones

Chicken Run (again)[1]

The Regent Street Christmas rush


Nice list

All day pajamas

Early nights and late rises

Curry for Christmas dinner

Build a panic room and hide from Great Uncle Gerald

Asking people for what they want and then getting it for them, simple.

Introduce a booking system for the relatives so as to limit the time for questions about your body image / relationship status / career ambitions / things you deliberately don’t put on Facebook

Go on holiday for the whole thing


[1] it must be noted that the contributor has reached the age at which he may well have seen this film 25 times, and is therefore speaks more from fatigue than dislike