Venatus' GDPR Compliance

The European Union took a momentous step, announcing the General Data Protection Act (GDPR) which will come into effect on May 25, 2018. GDPR will protect the right to privacy for all EU residents. This means that residents within the EU will have a greater say over who, what, when and where personal data is processed and used. All organisations, irrespective of location, have an obligation to protect all personal data of EU residents.
At Venatus, we are aware of our role in providing our partners with the right tools and processes to meet GDPR mandates and we have always and will continue to honour our users right to data protection and privacy.
Working with media agencies whose ads run on the Venatus publisher portfolio, it is important that we have full GDPR compliance. As a data processor, we have demonstrated our commitment to GDPR by meeting industry standards, reviewing and updating our privacy policy, directly quoting GDPR, ensuring we have consent from all agencies and publishers that we work with.
We have worked with all our publishers to ensure they are using IAB’s Consent Management Platform (CMP) in order to acquire consent directly from the user. We are included on the global vendor list which this framework connects to.
GDPR compliance is also important for us internally. Therefore, we have conducted various internal assessments within our office, focusing on all accessible data to certify we are fully equipped and compliant regarding both agencies, publishers and internal data with human resources and finance.
At Venatus, we recognise that GDPR will help us move towards the highest standard of operations in protecting all personal data, giving full compliance and transparency.
If you require more information on our updated privacy policy, please read here. For any further information, contact